how to embrace the awkward unknown
Inspiration? Yes Please!
Have you ever had your one million thoughts a minute stop? Me neither. But inspiration is another story. Wrapped in my blanket next to the fireplace sipping on an Early Grey tea should help me feel all cozy and inspired right? Nope. I have no idea what to write about.
Embrace the Awkward Unknown
Why am I writing to you even though I don’t know what to say? It’s because I believe in showing up and sticking to my commitments. I committed to myself to finish out 2020 with a newsletter coming your way every week. Being awkward or feeling uncomfortable is just a part of the process today. And here we are. Life’s not perfect. Inspiration comes and goes and that is more than okay. It is a part of life. Even though as a writer it makes me cringe and start to feel inadequate. I am going to CHOOSE to embrace where I am at in this moment. Compassion is a gift we can decide to give ourselves when we are struggling to live up to the expectations we set for ourselves.
What are some places where you feel stuck in your life right now? Did you stop in your tracks or move forward awkwardly? Even if you have been stopped, what if you decided right now to move forward today?
Take the Plunge
There is something on your heart that you have been putting off because of fear of the unknown. And how do I know this? Because if you have any goals, dreams, or aspirations – there are steps we all must take to get out of our comfort zones. As my mentor Mary Morrissey says, “You are on your green growing edge.” This is the area that you have never been to before that could be seen as a possible calamity or a breakthrough. And you will never know until you try.
So today, in my random message to you, I am offering you support. I am cheering you on to jump off of that high-dive and to plunge into your dreams. You are reading this right now, and you have an inspiration as to what that is. I don’t have to know. You do. And now it is your time to listen to that still small voice and that desire in your heart – and go for it.
Here is a cheer to us. Showing up, despite of the awkward unknown. Remembering it’s about the journey, not the destination. And embracing progress, not perfection.